Princess Letters, Gods love notes


My Princess,

Your feet are beautiful when they follow Me. I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, My love, and I have given you feet to walk with Me through this life. Just as Moses walked My people out of slavery, your walk with Me will be filled with My divine intervention. If you follow My lead, you will feel Me as we journey together in the same direction. I want you to keep your feet on the narrow road, and I will anoint you to take My life-giving news to others. You will have the courage to tell them that I am the God who gives salvation to all who want to know Me. Keep walking with Me, My princess, because you carry My life-changing truth inside your soul.



Your King and your Deliverer

How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news of peace and salvation, the news that God of Israel reigns!

Isaiah 52:7

Enjoy your week! Keep Praying



You never know what could change your life for the better. That’s why taking the RIGHT risk are so important in life because the outcome can be the RIGHT way for you to go. Now I’m not talking about saying YOLO to everything and jumping into something without thinking. But I know everyone has had feelings of “what if, what if I would have studied a little hard, danced a little more, laughed louder, spoke up, not have been so shy? What would happen if we truly did live fearlessly without the what ifs because those what ifs would turn to I did, I learned from it, I grew. Not every risk is going to turn out right, some maybe just lessons, but at least you know you can go to bed at night without thinking of what if?  You still have the chance to experience them, no one can tell you that you journeys over. Unlike the movies there is no one happy ending, there can be multiple happy endings if you choose to go that way in life. And the biggest what if to me is what if I just truly let go and trust in God?

What are your what ifs?

“Stop living in regret, baby it’s not over yet” -Beyonce (Schoolin’ Life)

Tell me what you think? -Joon