Dallas Trip: Hilton Anatole

Early this weekend I stated I would be going to Dallas for a family birthday party for my older cousin, it was an amazing relaxing trip! Besides living it up with my fam I had a shocking wonderful at the beautiful hotel that we stayed in! Now my mom picked this hotel randomly in downtown Dallas but i was shockingly one of the most beautiful hotels that I’ve ever stayed in! The thing that made it stand out from others was definitely the atmosphere! It was literally a museum downstairs with beautiful statues and pieces of art! The service was also so nice and my favorite part was the spa and the three pools! I indulged myself in the steam room and swimming pool and felt all refreshed after! I would definitely be staying there again especially for the low price of $99 a night! You should check it out if you ever make your way to Dallas

Here are some pictures below:

photo (27)Entering the Lobby

photo (28)BIG (Blacks in Government

photo (29)


photo (30)The ceiling

photo (31)The lobby

photo (32)


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soo cool

photo (37)

photo (38)another ceiling

photo (39)Pieces of the actual Berlin Wall!

to be continued ….


Be Heard